About Me…
I’m a self-taught artist born and based in Michigan. My journey began as a young child when I opened a book at a home my mother cleaned. My immediate fascination with the colors and shapes on the pages inspired me to create my own. As I grew, art became my outlet and my way to express myself in my own terms.
In recent years I picked up my drawing pencil and paint brushes again as part of my recovery process from trauma. Art keeps me alive. I believe it is the most intimate expression of myself I can display to others. Although not a professionally trained artist, I feel I offer an unique and personal view of the world through my pieces.
I love to create the simple and evoke feelings of familiarity or connection with the subject. I hope to bring the viewer in closer and to experience a feeling of connection.
So many factors inspire me. A simple breeze can stimulate the need to paint a scenery. The way someone smiles or their expression while concentrating can inspire me. A group of words in a book I’m reading can trigger the need for me to create something.
I’m a fan of neo-fauvism, the impressionists, and modern abstract art could have my attention for days.
One of my greatest inspirations is simply the insecurity and inability to be able to express to others what I feel deeply. Creating a piece is often my way of escaping stress and confusion. The process of creating a work holds no rules over me and whatever I put into it, it reflects back. Its my way of sharing and connecting with others safely.
So, in reality, I just make what I feel and do not have any idea about the rest.