We're hosting Indie Chick Night REVIVAL on International Women's Day at Gallery 46 in Pontiac and we are keeping that same concept-but adding on artists, speakers, dancers, fashion designers, and more to cultivate a celebration of womanhood while making sure we take care of our sisters that have suffered.
Parking is located on the street, as well as in local parking decks. Food, desserts, and both alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages will be available. We have 2 different ticket tiers. Our VIP ticket tier includes a raffle to win an exclusive basket featuring goods and services from every single vendor at the function.
All money goes to charity from ticket sales, this is a zero percent profit.
Our minimum financial goal is $5000 to be split amongst 3 different charities.
To learn more, please visit and follow our journey at: instagram.com/indiechicknightrevival